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Why We Redesigned Our Website

Why We Redesigned Our Website

Same Data Nerds. Better User Experience.
Victoria Azcarate

Posted by Victoria Azcarate

on October 31, 2023 · 2 mins read

Why Did We Redesign Our Website?

In the dynamic realm of technology startups, change isn’t a phase; it’s a constant. Embracing change doesn’t just mean striving to enhance our offerings, products, services or customer experiences but also improving how we communicate our exciting journey and all the cool things we can do.

Why Now?

Our company has experienced consistent growth. We expanded our client base by taking on diverse projects across different industries and countries. We’ve brought on more experts to our team to provide enhanced services. We’ve identified recurring needs in different sectors. All the insights generated along this journey have allowed us to develop a proven process as well as understand what was missing from our website in terms of solution communication.

Things We Did Differently

Your feedback matters, and we’ve taken it to heart. By carefully listening to our clients and prospects, we’ve reimagined our website, including dedicated landing pages for industries where our solutions are commonly requested (AdTech, MarTech, FinTech, Telco) and some of our most popular services (Marketing Mix Modelling & Modern Data Stacks, GenAI coming soon!). Browse by industry and discover recommended solutions for each one with real-life accomplished metrics.

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We’re showcasing our success stories. Instead of just telling you about the different solutions we can develop for you, we want to share some concrete projects, letting our clients take the spotlight. With this in mind, our case studies are now front and center, following a simple and clear challenge-solution-impact-client testimonial format.

Interested in our work in:

Explore stories firsthand, gaining insights into real-world problems we’ve solved and the impact we’ve made.

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We've given our company page a refreshed look too. Rest assured, our core values and way of working remain unchanged. However you can now see our team, and we've incorporated some key points that showcase the essence of our culture for any potential new mutters looking to learnmore about us.

Remarkable things occur when incredible minds come together. We believe in the power of collaboration, and that's why our partners are more than just associates – they're an integral part of our team. Our partnership family has grown and we're thrilled to introduce a dedicated section highlighting our collaborations with industry giants such as AWS, GCP, Product Minds,, Kaszek,, and H20.AI.

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We hope you find our new website clearer, cleaner, and navigation friendly! 🚀🚀🚀

This are just some of the changes we made! Curious? Come and take a look 👀

Wrapping Up 🌯

Mutt Data can help you crystallize your data strategy through the design and implementation of technical capabilities and best practices. We study your company’s business goals to understand what has to change so we can help you accomplish it through a robust technical strategy with a clear roadmap and set of milestones. Talk to one of our sales reps at